Sunday, March 12, 2023

Map of Earthsea

 I love the Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin. Even more so, I love the idea that the world is based around an EPIC archipelago. When I read, I LOVE to reference the map to follow along the journey of the characters. The Earthsea map from the novels however are terrible. In the front of each book is a horribly small map that is split down the middle of 2 pages. Trying to find a better map online yielded a crappy hand drawn map, a map split into many smaller factions and a pretty map. The pretty map only used light colors and it was so difficult to read any of the island names that it was rendered useless. 

So, armed with my own book and some enlarged copies online, I painstakingly traced together many cobbled bits and pieces of map to form a complete and legible copy of the map of Earthsea. It stays true to the original map, though a few island names may be misspelled; specifically a few "G's" might have been confused with "C's" for letters. This is in part on the micro-font from the book map. All in all, my refreshed map is a nice, printable map to have as a companion for reading the Earthsea novels. Enjoy!

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